The Pyramid of Khufu

The Pyramid of Khufu, or the Great Pyramid is, undoubtedly, one of the most impressive, mysterious and widely known monuments in human history. Over the ages, the spectators of these pyramids have pondered upon questions like why would anyone feel the need to construct such a majestic structure, who may have made it, or how it is made and tried to unravel the reasons behind accordingly. Still now, people are searching for answers to these questions. There are some conventional answers to all these queries, as well as some conspiracy theories around which various concepts have been created.

The Great Pyramid is the only remaining example of the seven Wonders of the Ancient World that has survived to our time. The remaining 6 have been destroyed over time. Khufu pyramid was built around 2550 BC i.e. about 4600 years before today. Its current height is 138.8 meters (455 ft) although when it was built it was approximately 148.21 meters (486 ft). It took about 250,000 stone blocks to build this pyramid, each stone weighing from 2.5 tons to 15 tons. The weight of the entire construction is about 60 lakh tons. This pyramid was the tallest building in the world until 3800 years ago. The accuracy of such a massive and heavy building is awe-striking: the difference between the 4 sides of the pyramid’s basement, 755 feet long, is less than 2 inches! This pyramid is not only stunning from the outside, but its numerous interior chambers and tunnels have elevated its status as well. On top of that, all of this is built with nature’s hardest stones. Not only that! The pyramid was also built at a location that required a very high level of mathematical, geographical and astronomical knowledge for selecting the plot.

All of this was built in an era in which the wheel was not even invented and there was none of what we mean by modern technology. According to experts, even with our modern technology, it will be quite difficult for us to build such a perfect building like the pyramid. So the question is, how did a nation that existed 4500 years ago, who did not have any technology and even a wheel, make it? Many have tried to resolve this question in many ways. According to some, it was created by aliens or supernatural beings,  some say it was built by the lost civilization Atlantis, who are said to be the most modern civilization in history.

There are a lot of theories out there concerning why this pyramid was constructed. Many believed it to be a type of power generator. This hypothesis has become very well-known because it was presented by one of history’s greatest scientists, Nikola Tesla.

In fact, the pyramid is so remarkable that people have made various assumptions regarding the making of the building. Some of the answers are well reasoned, while some are downright illogical. Conventional opinion is that these pyramids were built during the Fourth Kingdom of the Pharaohs, which was a kind of golden age of Egyptian civilization. The then pharaoh built this pyramid as a mausoleum after his death. Especially the pyramids of Khufu and his son Khefren are the largest and most famous. The pyramids were built by about 50,000 workers and surprisingly, none of them were slaves. They were experienced workers for this type of work and they took about 30 years to complete the construction of this pyramid.

Everyone is free to hold any belief according to their wish, but my personal belief is that what the conventional history says, must have some truth in it, as they are the people who have spent a large part of their lives doing research in it. But at the same time, I also believe that the ancient Egyptians really had some technology that has been lost over time for reasons unknown as construction of this kind of building would not have been possible without some kind of technology.

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